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A decision by the Chinese Government to no longer be the processor of the world’s discarded plastic means the vast majority of recycling ends up as landfill or in our oceans.

Plastics Do Not Need To Pollute Our Planet

January 2018, China stopped taking most of the world’s “recycling” waste. This meant countries around the world, including Australia are still struggling to find alternatives for their recycling that is responsible.

This has left millions of tonnes of plastic to either be stockpiled, burnt, sent to landfill, dumped in our oceans, or require costly sorting before exporting single streams.

Plastics Pirate aims to address this worldwide problem by giving much of this plastic a greater value that benefits the environment and our communities.

Of the 7 types of plastic being largely discarded to pollute the Earth, Plastics Pirate’s mobile pyrolysis plants can transform 4 types into environmentally-friendly oil and shred other widely-used plastics to be repurposed into recycled products.

To learn more about the 7 different types of plastic and how Plastics Pirate can make a difference check out our handy guide below.


Type 1.

Polyethylene Terephthalate


A tough plastic commonly used for clear bottles and food trays that discolors if you bend it.

Plastics Pirate can repurpose

Type 5.



Used for butter and margarine tubs, clear takeaway containers and bottle caps, shatters into stripes if compressed.

Plastics Pirate can process

Type 2.

High-Density Polyethylene


A thick tough plastic that will spring back if bent used for white milk bottles, bleach-type bottles and washing machine liquids.

Plastics Pirate can process

Type 6.

Polystyrene or Styrofoam


Tears or pulls apart, used for yoghurt containers, insulated disposable cups, some trays and parcel packaging.

Plastics Pirate can process

Type 4.

Low-Density Polyethylene


Usually flexible and easily torn, used for plastic bags, plastic wrapping & cling film.

Plastics Pirate can process
Plastics Pirate can’t process

Type 3.

Polyvinyl Chloride

(PVC – U)

Cracks and crinkles, used for clear bottles, food trays, toys, piping and wire insulation.

Type 7.


Very tough and likely to shatter, used for reading glasses, CDs and DVDs and cases, some electrical connections and wiring and general household plastics.